This Saturday on Creature Features: 

If 1 is the loneliest number than 300 should be about three-hundred times more lonely. Or something like that. But there is nothing lonely about the fact that we’ll broadcast our 300th episode this weekend.

And to make that point, we’ll have not just one guest but two this weekend. Because for our tricentennial episode, we’ll be joined by Michael and Jessica from The Grimm Life Collective. Our regulars will vividly recall this dynamic duo of adventure. They’ll share some of their latest exploits with us, tell us what’s up next on their navigation system and share with us their opinion about the night’s movie, which happens to be:

“The Screaming Woman” from  1972. This fabulous picture is about a woman who screams and the reason for her screaming. It stars Olivia de Havilland, Ed Nelson, Laraine Stephens, Joseph Cotten and Walter Pidgeon. One of the best TV horror movies ever made, it is based upon a short story by Ray Bradbury.

All this while Tangella beautifies Vincent’s breakfast, next Saturday night at 9PM Pacific at the enclosed link and on-demand at our Roku, AppleTV and FireTV channels. Don’t miss it!

5 thoughts on “This Saturday on Creature Features: ”

  1. When are you going to fix your Roku app ? It never shows up till Sunday ! I know I can watch it on YouTube but I don’t want to .

    1. Our app works correctly. We release new episodes for all platforms on Saturday. Unfortunately, it takes the Roku servers over a day to ingest the content. We have no control over that.

      1. Thanks for the reply , but it never used to be like that . Guess I have to enjoy you on YouTube after all

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