Write to Creature Features

Thank you for wanting to contact us! We love hearing from our wonderful friends on the other side of the television screen! By using the buttons below, you can contact us by email or send something in the mail.

Please know that we receive a large amount of mail every single day, both by email and in the post. As much as we’d like to reply on the air to every single item we receive, we simply don’t have enough time in our mail segment nor episodes in a year to cover all of our mail.

But do know that we read every single piece of mail we receive and greatly appreciate hearing from you!

That said, here’s a bit of insight as to what mail makes it on the air:

The bulk of our mail is generous compliments and movie suggestions. While we appreciate both, reading only those types of notes makes our mail segments less interesting to our viewers. Mail that tends to get priority are:

  • Viewer photos and art.
  • Humorous complaints.
  • Bizarre requests.
  • Unusual items. (A viewer once sent us a mummified cat. Please don’t do this as we already have one.)
  • Post cards.

Some other helpful info:

  • When contacting us, be sure to tell us from where you’re writing. It perplexes Vince when the writer doesn’t say.
  • Be sure to include a method for us to contact you, if needed. An email address or phone number. We won’t read that on the air.
  • If you’ll be handwriting your note, please do so very clearly.

Again, thanks for contacting us. We look forward to hearing from you!

Horror & Sci-Fi Movies With Wonderful Guests.