This weekend on Creature Features:

Vince often refers to that large contingency of viewers who understandably fall asleep during our broadcast as “dozers.” Little does he know that this is the short-form version of the word “bulldozer.” The fact that this term has evaded him is particularly curious given that he actually owns one of these pieces of heavy-equipment as part of the arsenal of vehicles used to keep the Poulter Mansion Estate in order.

But were this useful soil-moving tool of Vince’s to become possessed by an alien force or, God forbid, driven by Tangella; it would then become something called a Killdozer, which happens to be the title of our next feature.

Starring Clint Walker, Robert Urich and Carl Betz, “Killdozer!” was one of many films that graced the small screen in the 70’s who’s title included an exclamation mark to clarify that it was a movie name and not simply a single-word statement. It’s based on a 1944 novella by Theodore Stugeon that revolves around an alien who decides to possess a bulldozer and inadvertently goes postal on the poor men trying to build an airstrip on a remote island. We have no doubt the book was better. That said, it’s still a fun movie and we think you’ll enjoy it immensely.

All this while Tangella discovers the joy of flying drones, this Saturday night at 9PM Pacific Time on KOFY TV20, the YouTube link above, our Roku, AppleTV and FireTV channels and on a sand-crawling selection of hydraulically-powered television stations nationwide. Don’t miss it!

2 thoughts on “This weekend on Creature Features:”

  1. Dearest Vincent, Tangella and Mr. Livingston,

    Being a big fan of KILLDOZER! since first seeing it through the eyes of a 70’s kid as a made for TV Movie, I was fortunate enough later in life to try and buy a piece of movie memorabilia from the big man himself, Clint Walker! Turned out that Mr. Walker had not even a hardhat left from the set, but he did leave me with one tidbit of information about the filming of the movie that your fans may find interesting. Though the film is set on the hottest African island imaginable, unbelievably it was actually shot on a cold beach in California. Clint said that the cast froze their collective butts off while filming KILLDOZER! and that the hotter they look, the colder they actually were because they were constantly being sprayed with water from head to toe to appear hot and sweaty!

    You guys keep up the good work,
    Loyal fans Ron and Becky from Nowheresville Texas.

  2. Not sure what Tangella will be talking about regarding drones, but….Not so much “joy” in flying drones. ☹ Drone flying by some can be very problematic. ( see attached article ) Theres actually been some incidents lately here in Sonoma County as well. Just an fyi….

    That said, I enjoy watching Creature Features!!

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